12V G.O.W. Bulbs (White Wire) CK1010-1A

  • Model: CK1010-1A
  • Manufactured by: Cir Kit


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These high quality bulbs are excellent for illuminating any part of a dollhouse or miniature room. Bulb wires may be attached to our miniature plugs or directly braded into tape runs with 1/8" brass brads.

The 12-volt bulbs should be used in locations where bright illumination is necessary and the 16-volt bulbs in areas where a soft, non-glaring light is preferred. The grain-of-rice (GOR) bulbs are ideal for those applications where minimum bulb size is desirable.

Although all bulbs are warranted for 5,000 hours it should be noted that a 16-volt bulb will last immeasurably longer than a similar 12-volt bulb when connected across 12 volts. This is because the 16-volt bulb draws less current and thus generates less heat, the prime detriment to long bulb life.

The grain-of-wheat (GOW) bulb measures approximately 1/8" in diameter and the GOR bulb approximately 3/32". These bulbs are made with some of the smallest insulated wires available. Great attention has also been given to making the wire connections at the base of the bulb as unnoticeable as possible.

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