WallHouse Dollhouse kits

Wall Houses are Dollhouses that hang on the wall! They stay that way. It is a great way to enjoy the fun part of the dollhouse, the furniture, without taking up a lot of table space. It makes it a really nice display place for all your dollhouse furniture.  Customers really like this design, because you do not need to complete an entire exterior of the house, saving money. These dollhouses Include a cleat style bracket system. One bracket is mounted to the hidden back of the dollhouse and the other bracket is attached to your wall in your house, fixed to two studs, if possible. These brackets have a cleat angle causing the brackets to seat and lock together. You can easily lift the dollhouse up off of the cleated bracket for easy removal off of your wall, but you can not easily bump it off the cleat.

All wallhouses are 1/12th scale. 1" = 1', also know as 1" scale

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